Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Translation Project Essay Example for Free

translation Project EssayJean-Paul Vinay and Jean Darbelnet in their book Stylistique Comparee du Francaiset de l Anglais (1958) which is a comparative rhetorical analysis of the different translation strategies and procedures utilise in French and English date equivalence-oriented translation as a procedure which replicates the same shoes as in the original, whilst using completely different book of accounting They also suggest that, if this procedure is applied during the translation process, it can maintain the stylistic jounce of the SL text in the TL text.With regard to equivalent expressions betweenlanguage pairs, Vinay and Darbelnet claim that they are acceptable as long as they are listed in a bilingual dictionary as full equivalents. They talk about direct and oblique translation where direct refers to literal translation and oblique refers to bounteous translation. Furthermore, they have proposed seven procedures, the first three covered by direct translation and the remaining four by oblique translation. Direct translation includes the processes of 1. acceptation 2. Calque 3. Literal translation Oblique translation includes the processes of 1. Transposition 2. Modulation.3. Equivalence 4. Adaptation The discussion to follow will be focusing on the news report of these seven processes with reference to the novel by Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice ( Source text) and its Urdu translation by Professor Shahid Hameed as Takkabur or Taasub (Target text). 1. Direct Translation 1. 1. Borrowing Jeremy Munday in his book Introducing Translation Studies says that in borrowing the SL word is transferred directly to the TL. It is the idea of taking the word from the source language and maintaining it in the target language.It is considered the simplest ofthe procedures and tends to be employed in two situations either when discussing a new technical process for which no term exists within the target language, or when maintaining a word from the sou rce language for stylistic effect, in which the spokesperson uses the foreign term to add flavor to the target text. The advantage of borrowing dodging is that it brings an original connotation to the word in TL.1. 2. Calque A calque is when an expression from the source text (ST) is transferred literally into the TT. Calques either follow the syntax of the TL while translating each word literally or ignore thesyntax of the TL and maintain the syntax of the SL, rendering the calque in an awkward syntactical structure in the TT. It has the same influence on the enhancement of cultural integration. However, sometimes this translation schema will cause difficulties in conveying messages in the TL.1. 3. Literal translation This is word for word translation. Vinay and Darbelnet describe it as being the most common between the languages of the same family and culture. The idea of translating word for word in a way that does not alter the meaning is considered an acceptable use of liter al translation by the two scholars.Vinay and Darbelnet say that literal method is unacceptable in these occasions 1. 3. 1. It gives another meaning 1. 3. 2. It has no meaning 1. 3. 3. It is structurally impossible 2. Oblique Translation 2. 1. Transposition Vinay and Darbelnet referred to transposition as changing word class without changing meaning. This refers to when translating programs change the word type, such as from nouns to verbs. They considered transposition to be either obligatory or optional, and referred to the ST as the base expression and the TT as the transposed expression. According to Newmark transposition consists of four types of grammatical changes.The first type concerns words form and position, the second type of transposition is usually apply when the TL does not have the equal grammatical structure of the SL. Newmark defines the third type as the one where literal translation is grammatically possible nevertheless may not accord with the natural usage in the TL. Transposition, here, offers translators a plenty of possible versions. Concerning the fourth type, it occurs when the translator uses a grammatical structure as a way to replace a lexical gap. 2. 2. Modulation The fifth of Vinay and Darbelnets procedures is modulation.Modulation is defined as a change in spotlight of view that allows us to express the same phenomenon in a different way. In other words Modulation refers to rendering the TT from a different point of view to that of the ST. Vinay and Darbelnet consider this procedure to be necessary when the results of the former procedures would produce an awkward- sounding translation, despite it being grammatically, syntactically, and lexically correct. Modulation is a way for the translator to find a degree of naturalness in their TT without sacrificing any meaning or accuracy originating from the ST.Theapplication of this skill demands very much the translators capacity to mastering bilingual languages. 2. 3. Equivalen ce It refers to a strategy to describe the same situation by using completely different stylistic or structural methods for producing equivalent texts. Equivalence is not only useful but also necessary in translating idioms and proverbs. 2. 4. Adaptation It refers to a method used in those cases where the type of situation being referred to by the SL message is unknown in the TL culture. Rather than operations on linguistic level, this strategy focus on phenomena or practices that are absent in the targetculture.

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